Michael J. Raiz


With over 20 years of experience as a civil litigator, Michael Raiz focuses his practice on solving problems involving seniors and the complex corporate, compliance and regulatory needs of small to medium sized healthcare companies including home healthcare agencies, hospice and durable medical equipment companies, medical practices and their support organizations.
Graduating from the University of Western Ontario with a psychology degree, he attended the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. Starting his career as a trial attorney, Michael became a litigation partner with one of Illinois’ largest in-house counsel law firms, where he managed the operations of multiple offices overseeing a case load in the thousands. Entering private practice, Michael was a principal of a fifteen-attorney boutique law firm that catered to the corporate, insurance coverage, litigation, appellate and governance needs of insurance and healthcare companies in Illinois and Indiana.
Coupled with his experience as a two-time Vice-President of Claims/Corporate Litigation for two property and casualty insurers, Michael has significant familiarity with the high-level corporate governance, compliance and litigation issues relating to governmentally regulated industries.
A member of the Illinois (State and Federal Trial Bar) and Indiana bar, Michael has tried dozens of bench and jury trials. Michael consults and handles Federal Medicare health law issues for his clients all over the United States. Michael is a certified arbitrator and has several written appellate opinions including Polk v. Cao, 279 Ill. App. 3d 101 (1st Dist. 1996), Webber v. Bednarczyk, 287 Ill. App. 3d (1st Dist. 1997), Knight v. Guzman, 291 Ill. App. 3d 378 (1st Dist. 1997), Vega v. Gore, 313 Ill. App. 3d (1st Dist. 2000) and American Service v. Pasalka, 363 Ill. App. 3d 602 (1st Dist. 2006).
Working primarily with small to medium sized healthcare companies, Michael believes in the development of these companies as the future of healthcare in the United States. He believes in building strong foundations for his clients and works to substantially increase the value of these companies. Michael frequently speaks and writes on regulatory, compliance and corporate issues to various individual healthcare companies and their trade organizations.
Michael is a former president of the Filipino American Bar Association and is currently or has been a member of the American Bar Association, Filipino American Lawyers Association, Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association, Indiana Bar Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Illinois Homecare & Hospice, Claims Litigation Management, Property & Casualty Insurers and Philippine American Cultural Foundation.
Michael is married and is the father of four children. He is a certified (Kukkiwon) fourth-degree (Master Instructor) in Jidokwan taekwondo, is a certified coach for the USAT (Olympic) and AAU National Taekwondo programs and is General Counsel and a Board Member of the Illiinois Taekwondo State Organization.